
In This Issue:

Meet Results

Good Officiating

Champs Info


Meet Results

Many times officials are asked about scoring an event - and if you were asked, would you know the answer (or where to look)?  In addition to the USA Swimming Rules, the Midlakes Swim Operating Plan provides the answers (http://www.midlakesswimleague.org/Documentation/2009/2009%20Operating%20Plan.pdf).  For example, teams are not allowed to "sweep" an event - if a team wins 1st and 2nd, the third place points go to the opposing team.  You can find this on page 15 of the Operating Plan under "P. Scoring".

Also, what if there's a question regarding order of finish?  Starters should be taking order of finish for every race in case there is a question or issue with the timing system your club uses.  The Meet Manager will accept the times (from either an electronic system or manual input) but this may need to be validated - and Starters need to be ready in case the question comes.

Good Officiating

I know there's a lot of good work going on out there - and with just 2 more weeks to go, now is not the time to let up.  Keep up the good work, being professional, and attentive - coaches, swimmers, parents and your fellow officials are counting on you.  Don't forget to raise your hand for each DQ so that everyone is aware that "something is coming" and Starter/Referee's and computer folks are reminded to be sure to route those DQ's to the coaches - don't save them up until the end of the meet.  Having a "runner" handy to watch for the official's hand to know when to go ask for paperwork to bring to the referee is a great way to be sure the paperwork is moving properly.

Also, keep in mind that much of the work we do is "judgment", requiring some discretion to confidently say that that you saw an infraction - and sometimes ugly or even "goofy" isn't necessarily illegal.  For example, backstroke is any stroke on the back where they could switch from backcrawl to elementary backstroke and back - there is a lot of latitude as long as the swimmer stays on their back.  Similarly, a swimmer could also "switch" strokes for a freestyle event - but they can't do that in either of the Medley events (relay or individual) as they would have to avoid backstroke or any complete cycle of butterfly or breaststroke.  In either case, switching strokes is not necessarily a DQ - it just looks funny.

Champs Info 

We're currently underway making plans for the Champs meets the week of July 20th:

Senior Finals Monday July 20th - Hosted by Mercer Island Beach Club

Junior Girls Finals Tuesday July 21st - Hosted by Edgebrook

Junior Boys Finals Wednesday July 22nd - Hosted by Mercer Island Country Club

We use USA Swimming Certified Officials at these meets and they have been contacted via a separate email.  If you are a USA Swimming Official and did not receive an email, please contact me so I can include you on the list.


Q1: On backstroke, is it legal for a swimmer to turn onto their front before the turn, do one armstroke (or perhaps no armstroke - just glide to the wall) then do an open turn instead of a flip turn?

A1: Yes, but swimmers are not allowed to do a "stroke", they may only "pull".  Once they transition to the breast, they can execute a single or double-arm pull and turn however they like, which may include touching the wall with their hand (or even head).  But they cannot pull (leaving both arms at their sides) then reach forward with either hand (or both) to touch the wall as this would be a "recovery" which is not allowed.  If they were to do an "open turn", they would need to leave an arm extended toward the wall in order to "touch".

Q2: We have a "curved" corner at our pool so sometimes swimmers aren't touching the "end" of the pool if they are swimming in an outside lane.  Is this a DQ?

A2: Yes, as you have to judge each lane equally - and as the inside lanes don't have the curve, the outside lanes must be judged as if there wasn't one - or that the curve is just an extension of the "side" wall.  Be sure to cover these type of items in not only your coaches meeting and your official's meeting, and be sure to clarify with the timers as well.

Q3: Can a relay be swum with 3 swimmers (one swimmer swimming 2 legs) or a relay with 3 girls and a boy?

A3: No, not as a scored entry as both of these teams are ineligible - but swimming for fun (as exhibition) might be allowed provided they are not disruptive to the rest of the heat.  By definition, a relay is made up of 4 individual swimmers of the same gender - we don't have "Mixed" events in Midlakes.

A lot of you have made use of my offer to call me when you have questions - and I'm glad to help in whatever way I can.  Thanks again for all you do!

Officials Update #4 - 2009


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