New and returning Board Members, Swim Parent Reps, Officials & Swim Coaches please provide the following contact information each season:
First Name Last Name Street Address City Zip Home Phone Cell Phone E-mail Club Name
Please select any of the following options that apply:
Head Coach** **Please be aware that e-mail addresses for these positions Assistant Coach** will be posted on the League Website. Parent Rep (Lead)** Co-Parent Rep** Official Officials Rep Midlakes Board Member** Other
Head Coach** **Please be aware that e-mail addresses for these positions Assistant Coach** will be posted on the League Website. Parent Rep (Lead)** Co-Parent Rep**
Officials Rep Midlakes Board Member** Other
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Coaches List
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In submitting this information I agree to allow Midlakes Swim League to forward it exclusively to Midlakes Members when necessary as it relates to Midlakes business specifically associated with my volunteer position.
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